Referring to the devastating impact of drugs on society, author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “The planet has hit a barrier which prevents any widespread social progress—drugs and other biochemical substances. These can put people into a condition which not only prohibits and destroys physical health but which can prevent any stable advancement in mental or spiritual well-being.” This statement leads to his further assessment of the role substance abuse plays in the disintegration of the social fabric: “Research has demonstrated that the single most destructive element present in our current culture is drugs.”
Further, Mr. Hubbard’s research in this field brought unparalleled drug rehabilitation solutions to the world. This, in turn, galvanized the Church and Scientologists to initiate the Truth About Drugs, a secular program through which they have worked for more than two decades to empower the millions with the truth about drugs.
The Church and its members are dedicated to eradicating drug abuse through education and invite the participation of all who share the goal of a drug-free world.