Across America, educators at all levels from elementary through university utilize The Way to Happiness to provide a moral compass for students in a world of shifting and uncertain values. Teachers and administrators report drops in bullying and other violence when the program is implemented, and a rise in responsibility, trust and decency.
“The Way to Happiness videos had a profound effect on all of my students, and staff as well. It was an especially good time for us to have this program as we lost a student to a violent act just a day before and I feel the students really absorbed and learned from this.” —High school principal, New York State
“After using The Way to Happiness with our students, there was no fighting, no violence and no trouble.”
“The Way to Happiness gives you the outcome of your actions. You understand the outcome of what you do. It teaches you the Golden Rule. I used to hear about it, but this puts it into perspective. I know what it means now. If people would just listen to this book, The Way to Happiness, the mass of the people, if they would just understand it, take it, think about it, then the world would be a different place.” —Former gang member and graduate of juvenile program using The Way to Happiness, Los Angeles
“With the support of The Way to Happiness Foundation, more than 1 million copies of The Way to Happiness were distributed in Palestine and Israel. It is making a big difference. It can play the role of rehabilitating both peoples. The Ministry’s Committee on Improving Education has directed all school counselors to teach Palestinian children using The Way to Happiness.”
“After using The Way to Happiness with our students, there was no fighting, no violence and no trouble—a complete reverse of what had been occurring before.”
“We frequently refer our employees to the book to help them work out personal problems. Frankly, the book is a contributing factor to our success.” —Executive training officer, California
“The Way to Happiness is important because it establishes a framework for what young people are going to do with the rest of their lives. You are talking about a pathway. You’re talking about an opportunity to start to make some decisions that can govern your future. The Way to Happiness is something that every superintendent strives for.” —School superintendent, New York City
“It is truly a guide to living a happy and productive life. The day-to-day challenges we face often seem insurmountable. However, honesty and kindness are contagious. The sharing of these traits will make our world a better place.’” —Undersecretary of the United States Army, Washington, D.C.

In areas of instability, unrest, crime and violence, one element underlies the visible problems: the decline or absence of morality. Thus, distribution of The Way to Happiness to provide a common moral code even warring factions can agree on.
In Los Angeles communities long beset by violence, rival gangs have come together under the United in Peace banner, the rolling thunder of hundreds of motorcycles bringing one message: We ride for peace.
In Juarez, Mexico, the city was rocked by 10 killings per day in 2010. Less than two years later, after every household had received a copy of The Way to Happiness, the city saw the murder rate drop some 20%.
From India and Thailand to Venezuela and Guatemala, the calming impact of broad distribution has been observed time and again.
“Our children need guidelines and good examples so they can learn to respect the importance of others and by so doing, respect themselves.”
“The United States needs the support of organizations like The Way to Happiness Foundation to help build stronger families, neighborhoods and communities. I am pleased that your emphasis is on the importance of setting good values. Our children need guidelines and good examples so they can learn to respect the importance of others and by so doing, respect themselves.” —Former Governor, State of Oklahoma

“Since United in Peace monthly Peace Rides, comprised of vehicular clubs and a variety of community groups, have traveled throughout Greater Los Angeles communities distributing The Way to Happiness, there has been a subsequent and observable decrease in crime in many of the communities that have been touched by these Peace Rides. I recognize and commend all individuals and groups who contribute to the United in Peace movement, which has positively impacted the lives of citizens.” —Member, United States Congress

Rohit Sharma gave out thousands of The Way to Happiness booklets in schools of India, creating hope and understanding and change in a challenged environment. At which point, the Deputy Commissioner of the Special Unit for Protection of Women and Children in the Delhi Police Department recognized the value of the program and ordered custom covers to ensure that recipients knew this was their booklet when 10,000 copies were handed out by police officers. With a corresponding drop in the crime rate came demand from Central Command to train 500 police officers on every aspect of the program. The result: A full partnership, with Delhi police giving the seminars in schools and handing out booklets marked “Presented by Delhi Police.”
“We are partnering with The Way to Happiness to create a safer, less violent community.” –Police Department New Delhi

With Russia burdened with the highest murder rate in Europe and the highest corporate corruption rate on an international list, 57% of Russian people surveyed said they feel they cannot make a difference about crime in their country.
But Evgenya Medvedik of Moscow said she is inspired, not demoralized. A successful business owner named Young Entrepreneur of the Year, she is now a full-time advocate for The Way to Happiness. She and Moscow Church of Scientology staff print copies of the booklet by the thousands, including custom covers for businesses, and hand them out everywhere from sports arenas to Red Square. The PSAs play on large screens in malls, in theaters, on TV and on the group’s website. To date, they have handed out 232,000 booklets and another 4 million Russians have seen the PSAs.
“The Way to Happiness Commonwealth of Independent States makes a considerable contribution to the improvement of morale in our society.” —City of Moscow